Time: 0+00
Handley: Brenda reverse.
Time: 0+07
E-SAM Hi Tone
" Handley: Brenda has the E-SAM high.
Time: 0+21
1000 Hz Launch Tone
" Handley: Launch
" Smallwood: Launch
" Handley: OK, we've got a launch light
Brenda let's turn
into it
Time 0+30
Fletch this is Bing, you have a possible bandit 058 Bullseye 15
Time: 0+35
Handley: Brenda, pods on
" Handley: I don't see that fucker.
" Smallwood: I don't either.
" Downey: Brenda, three's going to turn east bound
I lost
you in that break.
" Handley: OK Brenda, let's reverse course back to east.
Time: 0+57
Red Crown: Brenda, Worm
Bandit will be on your 167 at 8
possible 167 at 8
" Handley: Copy that
" Handley: OK, then thousand pounds
" Downey: Garble
Brenda 4
Time 1+20
Red Crown: Brenda you're in the dark, bandit 047 Bullseye, 14
" Handley: Roger.
" Downey: Brenda 4 copy, blower.
Time: 1+38
Handley: Red Crown, Brenda one, where's the bandit?
" Green: Brenda two's bingo.
" Red Crown: Standby, you're in the dark, estimate
" Handley: OK, give me egress heading.
" Unknown Flight: You've got friendless up there to the left boys.
Time: 1+48
Red Crown: Brenda this is Worm, estimating the bandit 039
" Green: Brenda 2 is bingo.
" Handley: OK two, Bre
let's bug out
bug out.
" Downey: garbled
Time: 2+06
Handley: Turn the pod off
" AAA RHAW tone
" Handley: Pod off.
" Smallwood: It's off.
" Handley: Off I mean.
" Smallwood: It's off, we need about a zero nine zero
one zero zero.
" Handley: One zero zero, roger.
Time: 2+21
Ellis: Brenda 4's bingo
" Downey: OK, Brenda and stay line abreast
" Ellis: Brenda 4
" Unknown Flight: Take it around to the right.
Time: 2+30
E-SAM Hi tone
" Unknown Flight: Jay, check my 6 o-clock back there.
" Unknown Flight Member: Rog, we've got 2 F-4's going back there.
" Unknown Flight Leader: Alright.
" Downey: Brenda 4, move it up line abreast.
Time: 2+40
Handley: OK Fletch, Brenda is coming out
" Fletch Leader: Roger, we're on station.
" AAA RHAW tone
" Downey: Move it out another thousand feet Brenda 3.
" Ellis: OK.
" Multiple AAA and SAM RHAW tones
" Unknown Flight: Bingo.
Time: 3+15
Smallwood: E-SAM Hi at five
" Handley: Roger
Time: 3+19
Handley: OK, I've got a MiG-21 at our 3 o-clock low down there Brenda
cross to the other wing; he may try to pop up on us.
" Green: Roger
" Faint golf band one ring strobe at 4 o-clock, moving aft
" Handley: We've got 95 fuel.
" Smallwood: Roger.
Time: 3+40
Handley: OK, I'm going to take one quick run at him two, you continue
on out
" Green: I'll stay with you.
" Unknown Flight: Brenda one
" Unknown: Was that Brenda one exiting the area?
" Handley: Negative, Brenda one's on a MiG-19.
Time: 4+02
Handley: Give me 5 mile boresight
" Garbled transmission, RHAW tones, Smallwood straining against
" Smallwood: You've got it.
" Milo Flight: Milo two's on.
" Handley: Fucker won't fire
there it goes
" Garbled transmissions
Time: 4+21
Handley: OK I'm going heat
" Smallwood: OK
" Green: It went ballistic, lead.
" AIM-4E select tone
" Unknown: Say again
" Unknown: Say your position 4
" AIM-4E track tone
Time: 4+36
Handley: Going guns
" Smallwood: OK
" Sound of M-61 gattling gun spooling up and down while firing
under heavy G loading
" Garbled transmissions
Time: 4+48
Handley: He's going down
you got him?
" Smallwood: Yeah
" Handley: I got him
I got him
He hit the ground.
" Every fighter pilot on frequency: Lots of shouting at the same
" Downey: Way to go.
" Green: Let's get out of here.
Time: 4+58
Garbled transmissions
let's get out of here
" Handley: That's that gun baby.
" Green: Let's get out of here Brenda
uh closing
at six right now.
" Straining under Gs during pull down to the east from vertical
quarter-roll and zoom maneuver